2022 was a tough year all round. Taking some of its obvious lessons to heart would be a first step to making a better fist of 2023
Time for management to grow up
Drucker thought that good management was socially and politically as well as economically important. Now would be a good time to prove it
Sinking Britain
Twelve years of Brexit-obsessed Tory rule leave the UK on the slide, with a state that no longer knows how to govern or what it is for
The performance that really matters
We know how to do high performance: so why is it so rare?
Why management theory matters more than you think
Today’s dominant management theories are bad not just because they are wrong – but because they are in the process of becoming self-fulfilling
Unchaining Britannia: getting to the heart of the UK’s real productivity problem
It’s no secret that the UK has a productivity problem. But it’s not the one that the prime minister-in-waiting thinks it is – and her remedies will make it worse, not better.
Why hybrid working is management’s Great Reckoning
Bosses are desperate to get office workers back to their desks post-Covid. Employees think otherwise – and this time they may be in the driving seat.
Boris Johnson: a modern lesson in leadership failure
In retrospect, Boris Johnson has been living on borrowed time as leader almost since day one in Downing Street
This time, Uber takes a ride
Inflation has driven a stake through the heart of Silicon Valley’s ‘blitzscaling’ business model – putting Uber, the first, and biggest, examplar, directly in the firing line
A new look
Welcome to the new-look site. The new one aims to be more consistent and stable as well as easier on the eye than in the past. Pages should also be easier to read on smartphones and smaller screens from now on. The whole archive has been transferred to the new site – more than 500 […]