Utopia for Realists: Engaging thought experiments for a better society by a young Dutch historian
Kraft vs Unilever: a showdown postponed
Kraft Heinz will be back – it has
Are technology-driven changes to the way we work fuelling populism?
Advances in tech can create insecurity and encourage angry politics
Why are stock markets soaring?
Surging stock markets since the Brexit and Trump votes have nothing to do with economic fundamentals
The algorithms are coming
And it’s bad news for the jobs that most people want more than anything else
Deliveroo or Analogic?
Deliveroo or Analogic. In two words at the 2016 Global Peter Drucker Forum in Vienna in November, Columbia Business School’s Rita McGrath put her finger on the fault-line running straight through today’s business economy. Both companies are worth about £1bn. One of them, Analogic, is 40 years old, modestly profitable and employs 1,500 people worldwide […]
The naked truth about British management
Brexit exposes the UK industry’s dependence on foreign managers
Business-as-usual gave us Brexit and Trump. Now we have to change it
Things that can’t last, don’t. We need to draw on the combined capabilities of state, civil and private sectors to craft self-renewal
Umm-onomics: the golden age of dithering
It’s not just airports: the UK is Olympic class at procrastination
Why banking competition policy gives us the wrong choice
Regulation-driven strategy makes us decide between near-identical options