About Simon Caulkin

I have been writing about business and management since the late 1960s. I learned much from my first job in the press office of the then International Confederation of Free Trade Unions in Brussels, and more from my first editor, Bob Heller at Management Today, which I later edited. I have contributed at one time or another to most of the UK dailies and a wide variety of business and other magazines, ranging from Country Living to The Economist, Wired UK, and the FT’s Business Education quarterly. From 1993 to 2009 I wrote an award-winning weekly column as management correspondent at The Observer, whose readers completed my education by telling me the sometimes dismal truth about modern management, whatever the textbooks said. It hasn’t changed much since then, certainly not for the better, and has more or less disappeared from the business pages, other than the FT, which is also not for the better. I persist in believing that almost everything we think we know about management is wrong, which is why I continue to work as senior editor for the Global Peter Drucker Forum – Drucker being still the most perceptive observer management has seen – and why in a personal capacity I also continue to offer a critical commentary here. Welcome to my site.